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Current Members

Luis Alberto Segura Quesada

PhD thesis

University of Guanajuato, Mexico. 

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Edosn Daniel Herández Velázquez

PhD thesis

University of Guanajuato, Mexico. 


Ana Karen García Dueñas

PhD thesis

Co-Direction with Dr. Chacón García from UMSNH

Captura de pantalla 2023-04-10 a la(s) 13.10.30.png

Bridlly Yoaly Delgado Piedra

PhD thesis

Co-Direction with Dr. Chacón García from UMSNH


Jaime Gerardo Ibarra Gutiérrez

MS thesis

University of Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Former Members


Pradip Dhanaraj Nahide: Ph.D. thesis.

Velayudham Ramadoss: Ph.D thesis.

Yuvraj Satkar: Ph.D thesis.

Dipak B. Patil: Ph.D thesis.

Narendra S. Mali: Ph.D thesis.



Adriana Galván Cabrera: Master degree thesis 

Kevin A. Juárez Ornelas: Master degree thesis

Luis A. Segura Quezada: Master degree thesis


Jessica Gutierrez Cano:  Undergraduet degree thesis.

Claudia Barrón López: Undergraduate degree thesis.

Sheila Teresita Guardado Cruz: Undergraduet degree thesis.

Ernesto Garcia Medina: Undergraduate degree thesis.

Daniela Maria Romo Ramirez: Undergraduate thesis

Jaime G. Ibarra Gutiérrez: Undergraduate thesis

Mauricio Luna Chagolla: Undergraduate thesis

Summer Research Stay

Janette Aguilera: Summer student.

Karime Estrada Hernández: Summer student

Rbk Poly: Summer student.

Monse Ortiz: Social service student.

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